
目前显示的是 十月, 2021的博文

(9) 从Axie Infinity的质押模块说起

          Axie Infinity 团队自 2021.10.1 日起,推出了 DEX内容中游戏 治理代币 AXS 的质押模块 。 2021/10/3 APR 是 217%, in 2021/10/8 APR 是 160%, ( Annual percentage rate 年化收益率,一般国内的低风险理财产品年化收益率在 3%~4.5% 之间 ),近几天是在127%作用 。数字货币市场闻风而动,一时间,其治理代币 AXS 的价格暴涨,真的是应了那句老话“消息就是金钱”。           如果在现实生活中,突然有人告诉我,现在借给他两万块钱,明年这个时候连本带利还给我 6 万,那么他九成九是个骗子,我一分钱都不会借出去。但是,如果对象是 Axie Infinity 这款游戏的运营方或其他游戏玩家,我却会认为这是个机会,因为除了游戏外,它还有动漫产品和动漫周边的巨大潜能,见文章  (6)元宇宙来临前Axie Infinity可以做什么呢 。        所以,当我了解了这个质押运营方式后,在我的脑海中,突然闪过了风险投资这一概念。原本在我的人生中,对未知的事物虽然有探索的欲望,但我的性格决定了不会冒险投太多钱在有风险的事物上,这也跟我看过大量骗局事例有关,我怕自己上当受骗。可以说,当今世界,年投资回报率超过 20% 的对我已经是带着超高风险的东西了,只能在我能承受的范围内尝试。所以,除了少量的股票买卖外,今年 8 月份以前我自己基本没参与过任何风险投资,前几年的 P2P 互联网金融我就完全没搞过,区块链、数字货币之前也从没参与。 2020 年上海陆家嘴金融峰会,马云还提了 P2P 失败是因为拍脑袋定政策导致的,其实,我倒是觉得是 P2P 资金平台根本找不到很多赚钱的项目,但他们又有向外借钱收取手续费的冲动,所以最后钱大量流向失败的项目,无法偿还, P2P 互联网金融才失败的。        但以我对 Axie Infinity 的了解和理解,依然觉得它是 一个不错的门槛很低的风险投资机会(这项风险投...

(10) My Understanding of Axie Infinity and blockchain development

        Although in the past two months, I have studied a lot of Axie Infinity's content: its gameplay, development, profit ability, future plan, and also wrote several analysis articles. I think I have a good understanding of Axie Infinity. But after watching the video of the Game Dev Chat on Discord on October 4th, I realized that I had some misunderstanding about Axie Infinity. Among them, the most important point is the idea about SLP price of game output tokens. Before watching, I always thought that the higher the price of SLP,  more players   it could attract , and that will benefit the player communitys. The project party has not prepared enough ways to consume SLP, so many players, including myself, have given suggestions to the official, hoping to add more ways to consume SLP and increase the price of SLP. Article link:. But in   Axie Dev Chat 2  in Discord  , one of the co-founders, Jiho explained their opinion. ...

(9) Axie Infinity Dex begins and Game development in the past and the future

        Axie Infinity team has launched the DEX module of its governance token AXS since 2021/10/1. In 2021/10/3, APR is 217%, in 2021/10/8 APR is 160%, now is about 129% (APR :  Annual percentage rate ). When they get the news, crypto currency market responsed first, the price of AXS go up and up, people always say "Message is money!", well ,I think it is true.        In real life, if someone suddenly told me to lend him 20,000 RMB now, he will   return 60,000 RMB at this time of next year, then I am sure him is a liar, and I won’t lend a penny. However, if the borrowers are Axie Infinity team or game players, then I would think this is an opportunity, as besides the game, it also has great potential for animation products and animation peripherals. I wrote in the article: (6) What can Axie Infinity do before meta universe come true  .     ...