
目前显示的是 九月, 2021的博文

(7)向朋友推荐Axie Infinity的风险

     在了解了 Axie Infinity 玩法、当前发展和未来计划后,我曾积极地向朋友们推荐了一遍这个游戏,不过,中国的玩家对区块链相关的东西都有抵触,毕竟据目前的情况,与区块链、数字货币相关的骗局很多。我自己继续玩了下去,但是很不幸,被冒充客服的人员欺骗,导致损失惨重。 其实骗局很简单,但是当时我的心思主要在如何把我的文章发给游戏团队,根本没有考虑过防范的事情,所以主要的问题还是在我。但是,在我被骗子欺骗过后,即使那些 NFT 依然在链上,属于我的 NFT 资产没有办法找回,这一点上来说,这个游戏的资产风险还是很高的,所以我很庆幸我的朋友们没有和我一起用同一个账户投资。否则这次的损失,我是有苦难言,根本没办法向朋友解释自己被骗了所以NFT全没了。 因此,我还是希望游戏制作团队可以在保护资产安全上下功夫,事前提醒玩家注意骗局还不够,随着新人不断涌入,骗子们依然可以横行无忌,永远不缺乏猎物。游戏资产的保护还需要在玩家资产被骗子转移时做限制,作为礼物一段时间内不能交易,防止骗子得利。 对 Axie Infinity 团队来说,如果以后依然不去处理这些骗子账户,不能保证普通玩家的利益,最终将会导致游戏内欺骗横行,玩家们之间的信任缺失,最终带来游戏的死亡。        我的游戏资产被转走后,立刻就被放入市场上进行交易,其实可以让用户选择设置作为礼物送给他人多长时间内不可以交易。目前 secret recovery phrase 被骗取后,注册邮箱和手机没有办法保护资产在一定时间内的安全性,会被直接转走,这种保护和目前常规的网上银行等交易差距很大,效果我觉得很差。 另外,在 secret recovery phrase 泄露后,当 SLP 到达时限后允许 Claim 后,账户里的 SLP 也被骗子再次转走,根本无法通过邮箱进行更换或限制,我认为这里补救措施也应该开发。 我想,只有玩家的 NFT 资产得到安全合理的保护,才会有更多的玩家用户游戏。既然 Axie Infinity 团队通过侧链解决了以太坊 Gas 费用过高的问题,那么我相信此类安全问...

(7)The Risk of Recommending Axie Infinity to your friends

     After learning about Axie Infinity's gameplay, current development and future plans, I actively recommended this game to my friends. However, Chinese players are resistant to blockchain-related things. After all, according to the current situation, there are many scams related to blockchain and crypto currency. I continued to play on my own, but unfortunately, I was deceived by a scammer posing as a customer service staff, I got heavy loss. In fact, the scam is very simple, but at the time my mind was mainly on how to send my article to Axie Infinity team. I didn't think about safety at all, so the main problem was mine. However, after I was deceived by scammers, even if those NFTs are still on the chain, there is no way to retrieve my NFT assets. In this regard, the asset risk of this game is still very high, so I am very grateful to my friends did not use the same account to invest with me. Otherwise, I will be ...

(6)元宇宙来临前Axie Infinity可以做什么呢

     NFT 游戏 Axie Infinity 爆火之后,模仿它的 NFT 游戏如雨后春笋般一个接一个的出现,如 “ 头号玩家 ” 所呈现的元宇宙被反复提及,刺激着一批又一批新人冲到这场 NFT 内容爆火带来的泡沫里,发财机会似乎就在眼前,与此同时也有很多人保持清醒,提示着其中的风险。而我觉得,过地兴奋大胆和过分的谨慎都没必要,在元宇宙所呈现的一切到来之前,还有很长的路要走,也有很多的内容可以去实现。 除了游戏内容, Axie Infinity 在动漫这一领域也非常有潜力,有条件成为一个动漫领域的大 IP 。按现有的内容看,它完成的内容包括: 1.        动漫 IP 的框架设定; 2.        主要的二维平面卡通形象设计; 3.        知名度推广; 4.        忠实的粉丝、玩家群体。游戏社区 Discord 上,积极的玩家粉丝们在空闲之余,经常进行 Axie 题材的漫画创作。 5.        原始资金积累;      我建议感兴趣的朋友们到游戏官网上去看看卡通形象设计,确实非常可爱,当我把微信头像换成 Axie ,我妈妈看到后特意说了这次我的头像很可爱。 Axie Infinity 官网的链接如下 https://axieinfinity.com/ 。我认为动漫方面剩下的工作就是更丰富的内容填充了,这必将创造出无数新工作,按游戏的运营模式、发展和激励方式看,动漫的制作人员也必然能得到 Axie Infinity 给与的大量可观的正向激励。在疫情肆虐,体力劳动类工作大量减少的当下, Axie Infinity 的玩家们将见证一个未来世界动漫大 IP 的诞生,有机会参与其中,并因其不断发展壮大而获益,这难道不能够让玩家们热血沸腾吗? 尚有疑问的点在于: Axie 、土地、 AXS 的持有者,都可以分配到游戏相关内容的全部权益吗?如果只...

(6)What can Axie Infinity do before Meta-Universe come true

     After the explosion of the NFT game Axie Infinity, many other NFT games imitating it have sprung up one after another. The Meta-Universe shown by the movie "Ready Player One" has been mentioned time to time , activate people to buy crypto-currency and NFTs. People come into the bubble, thought the opportunity to make a fortune is just in sight. At the same time, many people remain sober, tell others about speculative risks. I think that neither excessive excitement, nor excessive caution is necessary. There is still a long way to go before Meta-Universe arrives, before that there are many work to do. In addition to game content, Axie Infinity also has great potential in animation, and has conditions to become a big cartoon IP. I mean, for now its conditions includes: 1. Frame setting , including lands , battles, resources; 2. 2D cartoon images design; 3. Popularity promotion, now it is well known in the world; 4. A big group of loyal fans and players, and...