Revisiting the Vinapot Leak. Can We Discover Something New?

It’s been six months since the Vinapot leak gives us a very early look at Axie Infinity: Origin. During that time, we don’t have any idea how to look at these images. But now that we have official leaks, we can break it down using the current knowledge we have about the game. The question now is: Can we learn something new from it?

Here is the Vinapot leak:

Our approach to this article is to go through every part of this battle screen:

Analyze it. And try if we can create new speculations from it.

Note: All contents are free to use as long as proper reference/credit is in place. Feel free to send corrections/question/clarifications. twitter account: @alvinaragoneth

Who Are Playing

We know that Vinapot is one of the players. But the other one is harder to read since the image is kinda blurry:

But let’s settle with my best guess: Lsshyz. So it’s Vinapot vs Lsshyz.

Inspecting the Axies

Note that despite there being six different axies on the image, there are actually just four types. Two of Vinapot’s axies are actually the same as Lsshyz's axies.

So our guess would be that these are the starter axies at that time, or maybe until now. Since we have seen the Vinapot’s bird axie from the recent leaks.

And probably the plant axie:

Then let’s try to identify the parts of these axies:

Bird Axie

Plant Axie

Beast Axie

Aqua Axie

Here are the cards of the known parts:

Inspecting the Cards

From the image, it seems that these are the cards on hand and on use: Energy CardTadpole, and Cottontail.

Whose Turn Is It

At first look, it would seem that it’s Vinapot’s turn. This is because Vinapot has still cards on his hands. And we know that all cards and energy are discarded after each turn (except for some effects like retain). But there’s evidence that proves otherwise.

Now, take note of the card that’s in play: its Tadpole Card. And based on the part list we have above, only Lsshyz has a Tadpole part. This means it’s Lsshyz’s turn.

The only counter to this evidence is the fact that Vinapot has still an Energy card and Cottontail Card even if it’s Lsshyz’s turn. This can be explained though if:

  1. both Energy Card and Cotton Card are Retain Cards during that time.

  2. this is an effect of a rune or a charm

So I’m actually leaning towards that it’s actually Lsshyz’s turn. Now looking at the image counter in the leak:

then Lsshyz’s turn is Turn 4. We therefore have:

Turn 1 - Vinapot
Turn 2 - Lsshyz
Turn 3 - Vinapot
Turn 4 - Lsshyz

The Implication of Vinapot On Turn 1

Energy Refill

We know that energies are discarded every turn. The question is: Does it immediately refills the energy or it’s refilled during the player’s turn. If it’s Lsshyz’s turn, then energy is refilled during the player’s turn.

Puzzling Energy Card

If Vinapot goes first, then Lsshyz should get an energy card. So the question is, where does Vinapot get his energy card? So far, we have seen no cards that say gain 1 Energy Card. Unless gain 1 energy actually means gain 1 Energy card. If not, this might come from the eye parts, charms, or runes.

Number of Cards

Let’s count the cards of Vinapot:

13 + 2 + 5 + 1 = 21

Let’s count the cards of Lsshyz:

8 + 4 + 6 + 0 = 18

This supports the speculation that the total card in the battle is equal to 18 axie-part cards + non-axie part cards. Lsshyz cards are 18, so no non-axie card. Vinapot cards are 21, so 3 non-axie cards. One of these non-axie cards is the Energy Card and some are probably Jinx Cards that might come from these cards: (if the wing of Lsshyz’s aqua axie is Raven). Or some from the unknown parts.

These card counting also says something about the default drawn per turn. Note that the drawn cards <= discard pile + on hand + banish. Computing Vinapot’s card:

Vinapot drawn cards <= discard pile + on hand + banish = 5 + 2 + 1 = 8

Note that it’s Turn 4 and Vinapot already has two turns. Thus Vinapot has drawn cards twice. So the max possible default drawn per turn is 4. Two cards are too small for me, so it’s probably 3 or 4 drawn cards per turn. My guess here is 3.

Inspecting the Summons

Before the ear part leak, my brother and I speculate that the trunk summon comes from the Hollow ear part:

This is because Hollow is the closest to the wood theme look of the summon. And this is confirmed by the ear part leak:

This makes the plant axie have 3 summons: RobinTrunk, and Mushroom.

This gives us the impression that the plant axie is a summon-themed starter axie. Will this mean that its unknown parts are summoned cards too or at least something to do with summoning?

These observations further raise more questions:

  1. How summons are placed in the battle once they’re summoned?

  2. Since we have seen an axie with at least three summons and if we have 3 of these axies, then there can be at least 9 possible summons in the field. From the leaks, it seems that we only have 9 slots on the battlefield and it seems that summons also occupies these slots. So do we actually have more slots than 9? or do we have reserved slots for summons? or some does not occupy slots? How are you gonna place this many summon on the battlefield?

For number 1, some possible rules are:

  1. It summons in the frontmost of the battle slot. That’s why Trunk is summoned in front of the beast axie instead of its owner: the plant axie.

  2. It summons on the side and does not occupy a battle slot.

  3. It summons on the frontmost of the same lane of its owner axie.

Inspecting The Status Effects

There are four status effects that can be seen in the image leak:

The Bird Status Effect

The bird status effect looks like a buff that comes from Robin. Notice how all Lsshyz’s axie has this status effect while Vinapot does not have.

And it seems that it buffs the attack of an axie. And this is supported by the following observation:

Vinapot’s beast axie receives 85 damage while Tadpole Card can only inflict 65 damage. So this might be a buff due to the bird status effect. This difference though in the damage might come from different status effects too.

The Target-Like Status Effect

This looks like a dart target board to me. But it might be something else since the image is too blurry. If it is, then the target status effect might be a taunt effect or something similar. This makes Trunk a good way to outplay opponents during critical times.

Thunder Status Effect

Don’t have any idea about it right now. But we should note that all axies and summons in the battle have this effect. Probably rage indicator?

Blue Energy Status Effect

Don’t have any idea about this one too. Looking at the parts that we have identified above. The only status effect that we have is Bleed. And the icon doesn’t look like one. My best guess is it represents the fear status effect.

Looks Like Backdoor

Now take a look at this part of the image leak.

Lsshyz’s plant axie and its summon are damaged. And we know that in Origin, the frontmost is still the priority target. So does this mean that they got backdoored? Looking further, we will see that this might not be the case.

Lsshyz’s Plant Axie Damage

It’s established now that 320 will be the starting HP of all axies. The current HP of Lsshyz’s plant axie is 245. So it takes:

320 - 245 = 75 damage

which is actually the 75 HP damage incurred by summoning Trunk.

Robin Damage

Now note that Robin seems not occupying any slot in the battle lane at all. So probably, the only way to damage it is through its owner. So since Lsshyz’s plant axie took damage upon summoning Trunk, then Robin might take damage too. The question is by how much?

So let’s compute first how much damage Robin takes. Gauging the proportion of current HP and HP loss in the health bar:

It seems HP is at 50%. Then we can say that Robin has an initial HP of 100. And it took 50 damage, which is:

Lsshyz’s plant axie on the other hand has:

So it seems that Robin takes around twice the damage percentage of its owner.

Closing Remarks

Hope you enjoy this speculation article for the upcoming Axie Infinity: Origin. If you find any consistency/error in this article or you have questions/clarifications, just comment below or hit me up on Twitter: @alvinaragoneth



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