
目前显示的是 一月, 2022的博文

(27) From Don't Starve & Terraria To Axie Infinity & the Pixlverse

        Though many big companies and media say VR/AR is an important content of the metaverse, they even say that VR/AR is the base of the Metaverse. However many other people don't think so, VR/AR is good but not a must. It will bring a considerable threshold (mainly on the level of hardware and technology) and certain limitations.            As an experienced player, there are many games that can bring me a sense of immersion. Among them, there are both 2D and 3D, but the most important thing in games is not the vision effect, but the clever design and rich gameplay content , especially those sandbox games, often make me forget the time. In this article, I will introduce some sandbox games I have played,talk about the development of  Axie Infinity  and  The Pixlverse , I hope you can get some inspiration.           I remember the first sandbox game I was exposed to was Don't Starve . This dark humor-themed game made me die many times when I first entered. Later, after playin

(27) 从饥荒和泰拉瑞亚 到 Axie Infinity & Pixelverse

           尽管很多大公司、新闻媒体都把VR/AR元素作为元宇宙的重要内容,甚至说VR/AR是元宇宙的基础内容,但是在很多人看来VR/AR并不是最重要的内容,而且带来了相当大的门槛(主要是硬件和技术水平上)和一定的局限性。作为一个老玩家,能给我带来沉浸感的游戏有很多,其中,既有2D也有3D,但这些游戏最关键的并不是游戏效果,而是内容和玩法设计巧妙,拥有丰富的可玩性,尤其是一些沙盒游戏,经常让我忘记时间。   这篇文章里,我会介绍一些我玩过的沙盒游戏,聊聊 Axie Infinity 和 The Pixlverse 的发展,希望大家能够得到一些启发。        我记得我最早接触的沙盒游戏是 饥荒 ,这款黑色幽默风格为主题的游戏让我在最开始进入的时候,死了不知道多少次。后来在和朋友联机、探索,上网学习后才逐渐上手,慢慢开始喜欢上各种挑战玩法。不得不提的是,这款游戏在全世界有广泛的游戏迷群体,并且其内容和人物是在不断更新的,除了内容之外,在玩法开发上,它也具有很大的开放性,我想这也是它取得成功的重要因素之一。         在饥荒之后,我的好朋友向我介绍了 泰拉瑞亚 ,这款2D像素游戏给我的第一印象是Low,所以我一看到游戏界面,就立刻叫嚷到这游戏太差了,有啥可玩的?但是,等我的朋友们说服我去体验体验游戏内容后,我又觉得它越来越好玩,总是忍不住拉着朋友们一起挖矿、探索、建造。这款游戏的成功同样在于其丰富的玩法上,尤其是建造部分,吸引了非常多的主播在Youtube等平台上分享它们基于游戏内容的建筑创作。         在2021年的时候,我尝试了 Stardew Valley ,这款游戏其实也可以进行联机,但是当时我找不到合适的人陪我一起玩,所以只是自己在根据任务线玩法进行最简单的游戏体验。在星露谷物语里,可以建造,种植,养殖,发展和村民们的关系,收集食材和制作食物。但是,一个人玩游戏总是显得那么孤单,所以一款成功的游戏尤其需要良好的社交功能,尤其对那些大型的网络游戏来说,更是这样。          Axie Infinity在Play to earn的话题下吸引了大量的玩家进入链游项目里,并且早期进入的玩家和学者们都通过游戏赚钱,获得了实惠,但是,那些在游戏最火爆的时候进入游戏的人,包括我自己在内,目前都属于亏钱的状态。所以,我坚持认为当前的卡牌玩法

Pixelverse 世界介绍(中英文对照翻译)

Pixlverse   Nov 25, 2021   4 min read   Listen Welcome to the Pixelverse! 欢迎来到像素世界!(Sappy Seals) The Pixelverse is a 2D Pixel Metaverse and Web 3.0 platform.  Pixelverse 是一个 2D 像素元宇宙世界 及 一个Web 3.0 平台。 It is architected by   Sappy Seals   and developed by a partnership of NFT Communities.  它基于 Sappy Seals  并由 NFT 社区合作开发。 Our current partners include   @winterbearsnft  &  @WeAre24PX , with more announcements on the horizon! 我们当前的合作伙伴包括:  @winterbearsnft  &  @WeAre24PX ,很快会发布更多公告! Today we would like to share our grand vision for the Pixelverse and it’s native token,  $PIXL. 今天,我们想分享我们对 Pixelverse世界 及其原生代币 $PIXL 的宏伟愿景。 Visions of   ‘ The Metaverse ’ have captured everyone’s attention; a dream of an immersive digital landscape where you can live, work, build and play. “元宇宙”的愿景吸引了所有人的注意力;一个身临其境的数字世界的梦想,您可以在其中生活、工作、建造和娱乐。 The Pixelverse  will realize this dream by creating an  accessible  and  immersive  Pixel world upon which the wider NFT Community can build Web3 applications, bene

(26) From Clash of Clans & Boom Beach to Axie Infinity

          As a long-term game player, I have also played a lot of mobile games. Among them, Clash of Clans and Boom Beach are two mobile games that I like very much. Both of them have achieved a unified ranking of players all over the world.  Their game company is Supercell.  Now Tencent has spent  $8.6 billion and got 84.3% stock of  Supercell . In these two games, players can develop their own bases to accumulate resources, or they can create soldiers to set up troops to attack other people's bases to obtain resources. Although I can't see the whole world of the games, when searching for opponents in the same segment, I can often search out other players from various countries ( English speaking, Japanese speaking, Arabic speaking and so on). I was amazed and amused when I saw players from all over the world on a server's leaderboard.           In Axie Infinity ,players can also automatically match players from all over the world. However, card games are less interesti

(25) From Cross gate to Axie Infinity (in English)

            In the previous articles, I have shared my game experience, among them, Cross Gate can definitely be ranked in the top of my favorite games. In the world of  Cross Gate , there are many different mini elf babies live on different continents. Players can fight with these elf babies and also catch them to raise as pets.            The game's combat system is very simple, but its manufacture system is very complex.  It allows players who don't like fighting to engage in production content. All characters and elves have cute cartoon images, which are liked by all players.           I only played the archer of the combat department, the shoemaker of the production department, and the woodcutter of the gathering department. It can be said that this game met my expectations for an excellent online game, and I also made many friends in it, and it is difficult for me to find an online game that was comparable to it later.         Picture below shows the occupation classific